"It is easy to read about wakefulness, to have
elaborate and, as far as they go, accurate ideas
about enlightment, and yet all the while to
be fast
The call to modern man, the call to all of
us, is to
become spiritual. To become spiritual we
have to
learn to leave behind our official religious
selves - that
is, to leave behind the Pharisee that lurks
inside of all
of us- because, as Jesus has told us, we have to
leave behind our whole self. All images of
coming as they do out of the fevered brain of
the ego,
have to be renounced and transcended if we
are to
become one with ourselves, with God, with our
brethern - that is, to become truly human,
truly realy,
truly humble.
Our images of God must similarly fall away.
We must
not be idol-worshippers. Curiously, what we
find is
that they fall away as our images of self
fall away,
which suggests that I suppose we always guessed
anyway, that our images of God were really
images of
In this wonderful process of coming into the
full light of
Reality, of falling away from illusion, a
great silence
emerges from the centre. We feel ourselves
in the eternal silence of God. We are no
longer talking
to God or worse, talking to ourselves. We
are learning
to be - to be with God, to be in God".
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
A Tree Filled with Monkeys
"The Indian mystic Sri Ramakrishna, who lived in
Bengal in the nineteenth century, used to describe the
mind as a mighty tree filled with monkeys, all
swinging from branch to branch and all in an
incessant riot of chatter and movement.
Prayer is not a matter of adding to this confusion by
trying to shout it down and covering it with another lot
of chatter. The task of meditation is to bring all this
mobile and distracted mind to stilness, silence and
concentration, to bring it, that is, into its proper
service. This is the aim given us by the psalmist: ´Be
still and know that I am God´ (Ps 46:10)
One of the first great lessons in humility is that we
come to wisdom and stillness and pass beyond
distraction, only through the gift of God. His prayer is
his gift to us and all we have to do is to dispose
ourselves by becoming silent. Silence is the
essential human response to the mystery of God, to
the infinity of God.
It is this understanding that has led so many today to
the threshold of real prayer. The way of prayer is a
way of ever-deeper, ever more generous silence".
Bengal in the nineteenth century, used to describe the
mind as a mighty tree filled with monkeys, all
swinging from branch to branch and all in an
incessant riot of chatter and movement.
Prayer is not a matter of adding to this confusion by
trying to shout it down and covering it with another lot
of chatter. The task of meditation is to bring all this
mobile and distracted mind to stilness, silence and
concentration, to bring it, that is, into its proper
service. This is the aim given us by the psalmist: ´Be
still and know that I am God´ (Ps 46:10)
One of the first great lessons in humility is that we
come to wisdom and stillness and pass beyond
distraction, only through the gift of God. His prayer is
his gift to us and all we have to do is to dispose
ourselves by becoming silent. Silence is the
essential human response to the mystery of God, to
the infinity of God.
It is this understanding that has led so many today to
the threshold of real prayer. The way of prayer is a
way of ever-deeper, ever more generous silence".
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Prepare for death
"The only ultimate tragedy is a life that has not
opened to eternal life.
In the Christian vision, death is not the all-important
moment in our life. The supreme all-important
moment in any life is the moment of full openness to
Jesus. We have to take practical steps to put
ourselves into readiness.
Anyone who meditates in faith knows that the
journey within takes us out of ourselves. Saying the
mantra is learning to die and to accept the eternal
gift of our being in one and the same act.
Our being passes through various stages of life,
through many deaths, but we can never slip out of
being. God never withdraws the inmortal gift
of live he has given to us. This is the essential
preparation we need in experience to face our
own death withou fear, without false consolation,
with open minds and open hearts.
All death is death to limitation. If we can die to self,
we rise to an infinite liberty of love. This way of
dying to the ego, the first death, is what we call
opened to eternal life.
In the Christian vision, death is not the all-important
moment in our life. The supreme all-important
moment in any life is the moment of full openness to
Jesus. We have to take practical steps to put
ourselves into readiness.
Anyone who meditates in faith knows that the
journey within takes us out of ourselves. Saying the
mantra is learning to die and to accept the eternal
gift of our being in one and the same act.
Our being passes through various stages of life,
through many deaths, but we can never slip out of
being. God never withdraws the inmortal gift
of live he has given to us. This is the essential
preparation we need in experience to face our
own death withou fear, without false consolation,
with open minds and open hearts.
All death is death to limitation. If we can die to self,
we rise to an infinite liberty of love. This way of
dying to the ego, the first death, is what we call
The pearl of great price

"The great grace that all of us have been
given is to
believe in Jesus Christ, to believe in his
presence in
our hearts and to believe that he invites
each of us
to enter into that presence. That is the
gift to have been given.
We have to learn, because it is a gift of such
staggering proportions, to respond to it
gently. When we begin we cannot fully
the sheer magnificience and wonder of it.
Each time
we return to meditate we enter iinto that
reality a
little more deeply, a little more faithfully.
When we begin we probably find our way to
meditation as one among many options that we
been looking at and it takes us time to find
that this
is the pearl of great price.
I do not wish to imply that meditation is the
way, but rather that it is the only way I
have found.
In my experience it is the way of pure
simplicity that
enables us to become fully, integrally aware
of the
Spirit Jesus has sent into our heart. This
is the
recorded experience of the mainstream of the
Christian tradition from apostolic times down
to our
Thursday, June 18, 2009
In each step of this life, I realize as a meditation of life. Grateful to the way of life and with full surrender to the will of God. Life is like a rotating wheel, sometimes we have happy, sad, healthy, sick
I try to accept all this as part of life, which is God's will.
I received, I realize, I am grateful and peaceful that I received
Finally, I feel how great the love of God in my life.
In reaching this awareness that I take a very long time, events that I experienced every day I meditate every night before bed.I explore, examine step by step carefully. I pray and give all the will of God. When experiencing pain, and I accept that I feel sick, I unite with the suffering of Jesus on the cross.
When I receive the blessings and happiness do not forget me say thanks to God who gives life. I forward the blessings and happiness to his wife, daughters, friends and other people. Also to animals and plants and the earth where I live I forward it to all the blessed people in the world in prayer and my meditation
Finally thinking of my life I find this a conclusion that I made as a life motto
SO IN THIS LIFE we love one another support ONE WITH THE OTHER, NOT destroy
Thank you so much
I suggest waiting, messages, suggestions, criticism and build a life for the sake of progress
I try to accept all this as part of life, which is God's will.
I received, I realize, I am grateful and peaceful that I received
Finally, I feel how great the love of God in my life.
In reaching this awareness that I take a very long time, events that I experienced every day I meditate every night before bed.I explore, examine step by step carefully. I pray and give all the will of God. When experiencing pain, and I accept that I feel sick, I unite with the suffering of Jesus on the cross.
When I receive the blessings and happiness do not forget me say thanks to God who gives life. I forward the blessings and happiness to his wife, daughters, friends and other people. Also to animals and plants and the earth where I live I forward it to all the blessed people in the world in prayer and my meditation
Finally thinking of my life I find this a conclusion that I made as a life motto
SO IN THIS LIFE we love one another support ONE WITH THE OTHER, NOT destroy
Thank you so much
I suggest waiting, messages, suggestions, criticism and build a life for the sake of progress
Death a Part of Life
"If we would become wise, we must learn that we
have here no abiding city (Heb 13:14).
To have life in focus, we must have death in
our field
of vision. Within this vision we see life as
preparation for death and death as
preparation for
If we are to meet our own death with hope, it
be a hope built not on theory or on belief
alone, but
on experience. We must know from experience
death is an event in life, an
essential part of
any life which is lived as a perpetual
expandiing and
self-transcending mystery.
Only the experience of the continuous death
of the
ego can lead us into this hope, into an ever
deepening contact with the power of life itself.
Only our own death to self-centredness can
persuade us of death as the connecting link
in the
chain of perpetual expansion, and as the way to
fullness of life".
have here no abiding city (Heb 13:14).
To have life in focus, we must have death in
our field
of vision. Within this vision we see life as
preparation for death and death as
preparation for
If we are to meet our own death with hope, it
be a hope built not on theory or on belief
alone, but
on experience. We must know from experience
death is an event in life, an
essential part of
any life which is lived as a perpetual
expandiing and
self-transcending mystery.
Only the experience of the continuous death
of the
ego can lead us into this hope, into an ever
deepening contact with the power of life itself.
Only our own death to self-centredness can
persuade us of death as the connecting link
in the
chain of perpetual expansion, and as the way to
fullness of life".
Friday, June 12, 2009
Meditation Part 2
"The great conviction of the New Testament is
by giving us his Spirit, Jesus has dramatically
transformed the fabric of human
consciousness. Our
redemption by Jesus Christ has opened up for us
leveles of consciousness that can be
described by
St. Paul only in terms of a totally new creation.
God became man so that man might become God, as
the early Fathers of the Church expressed it.
It is
our destiny to be divinized by becoming one
with the
Spirit of God. Divinization is utterly
beyond our
imagination and our own powers of
understanding to
comprehend. But it is not beyond our
capacity to
experience it in love.
Staggering as this revelation is and feeble
though our
capacity may be to receive it, it is worked out
through the ordinariness of our humanity and
the ordinariness of our human life.
The big problem in Christianity is to
believe it".
by giving us his Spirit, Jesus has dramatically
transformed the fabric of human
consciousness. Our
redemption by Jesus Christ has opened up for us
leveles of consciousness that can be
described by
St. Paul only in terms of a totally new creation.
God became man so that man might become God, as
the early Fathers of the Church expressed it.
It is
our destiny to be divinized by becoming one
with the
Spirit of God. Divinization is utterly
beyond our
imagination and our own powers of
understanding to
comprehend. But it is not beyond our
capacity to
experience it in love.
Staggering as this revelation is and feeble
though our
capacity may be to receive it, it is worked out
through the ordinariness of our humanity and
the ordinariness of our human life.
The big problem in Christianity is to
believe it".
Christian Meditation
"In Chapter 5 of his letter to the Romans, Paul writes
about what God has accomplished in the person of
his Son, Jesus:
´Therefore, now that we have been justified through
faith, let us continue at peace with God, through our
Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have been
allowed to enter the sphere of God´s grace, where
we now stand. Let us exult in the hope of the divine
splendour that is to be ours. Because God´s love
has flooded our inmost heart through the Holy Spirit
he has given us.´ (Rm 5:1-5).
Just think about this language for a moment and
consider the quite staggering claim it is making.
St Paul was no mere theorist. He was a passionate
announcer of a real event that he was trying to
make all men realize. His great conviction is that the
Spirit of Jesus has been sent. This is the central
conviction of our Christian faith; indeed our faith is a
living faith precisely because the living Spirit of God
dwells within us, giving new life to our mortal bodies.
"Marriage and prayer are initimately related
in Paul´s
vision of the Christian life.
In both prayer and marraige the call is to
full selfhood
by loss of self in the other. The giving of
the self
must become total. Both prayer and marraige are
creative of life because of the generosity
and faith
that enable us to lay down our lives in love.
I suppose it wouldn´t be an exaggeration to
say that
one of the principal causes of the breakdown of
so many marriages is a lack of the spirit of
No word in the religious vocabulary is so much
misunderstood by our contemporaries as
´obedience´. Obedience is nothing else than the
capacity to listen to the other. We stray
from God
when we lose this attentiveness and no amount of
talking or thinking about God can truly
substitute for
this openness to him. The Latin root of
´obedience´ is ob-audire, to hear, to
We are
to be listeners.
Obedience here is in essence sensitivity, deep
sensitivity to the other, to the others. The
readiness to think, in the first place, of
the other and
not of oneself.
As you know, it is impossible for us to love one
another unless we serve one another".
about what God has accomplished in the person of
his Son, Jesus:
´Therefore, now that we have been justified through
faith, let us continue at peace with God, through our
Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have been
allowed to enter the sphere of God´s grace, where
we now stand. Let us exult in the hope of the divine
splendour that is to be ours. Because God´s love
has flooded our inmost heart through the Holy Spirit
he has given us.´ (Rm 5:1-5).
Just think about this language for a moment and
consider the quite staggering claim it is making.
St Paul was no mere theorist. He was a passionate
announcer of a real event that he was trying to
make all men realize. His great conviction is that the
Spirit of Jesus has been sent. This is the central
conviction of our Christian faith; indeed our faith is a
living faith precisely because the living Spirit of God
dwells within us, giving new life to our mortal bodies.
"Marriage and prayer are initimately related
in Paul´s
vision of the Christian life.
In both prayer and marraige the call is to
full selfhood
by loss of self in the other. The giving of
the self
must become total. Both prayer and marraige are
creative of life because of the generosity
and faith
that enable us to lay down our lives in love.
I suppose it wouldn´t be an exaggeration to
say that
one of the principal causes of the breakdown of
so many marriages is a lack of the spirit of
No word in the religious vocabulary is so much
misunderstood by our contemporaries as
´obedience´. Obedience is nothing else than the
capacity to listen to the other. We stray
from God
when we lose this attentiveness and no amount of
talking or thinking about God can truly
substitute for
this openness to him. The Latin root of
´obedience´ is ob-audire, to hear, to
We are
to be listeners.
Obedience here is in essence sensitivity, deep
sensitivity to the other, to the others. The
readiness to think, in the first place, of
the other and
not of oneself.
As you know, it is impossible for us to love one
another unless we serve one another".
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Anyandhi Karsa Luhur
Judul Anyandhi Karsa Luhur ini mempunyai arti yang sangat penting dan menyentuh bagi saya pribadi, tulisan yang saya temukan pada selembar kertas bekas bungkus makanan. Lengkapnya Urip Iku Anyandhi Karsa Luhur Borong Sumangga Kang Lirwa yang artinya adalah : Hidup itu mempunyai tujuan yang indah, silahkan menyingkir yang tidak mau menaatinya. Berawal dari tulisan ini yang menggugah "AKU" untuk merumuskan kembali tujuan dan arti hidup, serta motivasi yang akan kujalani dalam "Peziarahan Hidup" di dunia ini. Kehidupan di dunia ini memang tidak pasti, yang pasti hanyalah "KEMATIAN" karena setiap makhluk yang dilahirkan ke dunia ini pasti akan mengalami yang namanya "MATI" untuk itu kita perlu mempunyai "kesadaran" dalam hidup kita, sadar bahwa hidup kita ini ada yang mengadakan yaitu TUHAN dan segala sesuatu telah diberikan kepada kita dengan cuma-cuma, kita diberi hak untuk memakainya, merawat, mengembangkan untuk kebaikan diri kita pribadi dan untuk kesejahteraan sesama kita, tapi kita tidak berhak untuk merusak, memusnakannya karena semua itu MILIK TUHAN.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hari ini Rabu, 20 Mei adalah hari yang diperingati sebagai Hari Kebangkitan Nasional (Harkitnas) yang biasanya secara seremonial diperingati dengan mengadakan upacara bendera yang diadakan oleh instansi-instansi pemerintah serta sekolah-sekolah dari tingkat dasar sampai lanjutan, sebagai perwujudan kita generasi penerus bangsa dalam menghargai jasa-jasa para pelopor kebangkitan yaitu Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, alumni Sekolah Dokter Jawa (STOVIA) yang terkenal dengan gerakan Budi Utomo. Lalu hanya sampai disitu sajakah kita memaknai Harkitnas itu ? Atau dengan peringatan Harkitnas ini hanya untuk mengingatkan kita pada pelajaran sejarah yang kita terima pada waktu duduk dibangku sekolah ? Apakah nilai-nilai dan semangat membangun kesadaran berbangsa dan bernegara melalui pendidikan dan kebudayaan yang menjadi gagasan dari pendiri Budi Utomo masih kita miliki ? Seharusnya dengan adanya peringatan kebangkitan nasional ini mampu menumbuhkan kesadaran hidup bersama sebagai satu bangsa, satu negara dalam wadah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia dalam setiap pribadi anak bangsa, sehingga disintegrasi dan masalah yang bernuansa SARA tidak lagi tumbuh dan berkembang di Bumi Pertiwi tercinta ini. Harapan kita dari peringatan Harkitnas adalah dengan tumbuhnya kesadaran itu, rasa persatuan dan kesatuan sebagai Bangsa Indonesia semakin kuat karena ini adalah aset yang sangat berharga untuk menjaga NKRI dengan dasar Pancasila dan UUD 1945, terlebih dalam situasi pada masa ini dimana kehidupan yang dirasakan semakin berat karena krisis global yang baru saja melanda semua negara serta kesenjangan sosial yang semakin menganga.
Salam Nasionalisme
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Semangat RA. Kartini

Pada masa lalu ketika saya masih usia Sekolah Dasar Hari Kartini selalu diisi dengan acara-acara yang berbau Kartini, satu yang masih saya ingat adalah siswa perempuan diwajibkan memakai sanggul dan berbusana jawa, pada hari itu tidak ada pelajaran dan juga lagu " Ibu Kita Kartini" selalu dinyanyikan tidak hanya guru dan siswa di sekolah saja yang hafal lagu ini tetapi masyarakat umum pun seolah turut serta dalam euforia Kartinian pada masa itu, namun kini gaung hari Kartini rasanya tidak seperti pada masa lalu entah kenapa ? Apa karena memang sebagian dari kita sudah lupa sejarah atau generasi masa kini punya cara tersendiri untuk memperingatinya ? Semangat RA. Kartini rasanya masih relevan dan perlu kita teladani untuk mendidik generasi Indonesia di Era Globalisasi saat ini. Semangat untuk melepaskan diri dari diskriminasi yang terjadi pada masa kini. Perbedaannya adalah pada masa RA. Kartini diskriminasi itu dialami oleh kaum perempuan terutama dalam hak-haknya memperoleh pendidikan yang tinggi seperti kaum laki-laki, perempuan pada masa itu seolah-olah hanya menjadi "Kanca Wingking" bagi suaminya yang hanya disuruh mengurus anak dan urusan dapur saja, jadi intinya perempuan harus tunduk dan patuh pada suaminya. Semangat RA. Kartini ini dalam membuka sekolah-sekolah bagi kaum perempuan akhirnya membuka penglihatan kaum perempuan di Indonesia untuk menjadi manusia seutuhnya.
Pada masa kini jaman telah mengalami banyak perubahan dan kemajuan dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan begitu juga dengan semangat Kartini pada masa kini, 130 tahun yang lalu gaung emansipasi perempuan pun dikobarkan dan kini telah lahir Kartini-Kartini baru di negara Indonesia ini terlihat dari Megawati Soekarnoputri yang pernah menjabat Wakil Presiden dan Presiden Indonesia serta kuota perempuan yang diberi kesempatan duduk menjadi anggota legislatif sebagai sarana untuk menyuarakan aspirasi kaum hawa untuk memperoleh kesetaraan gender dengan kaum adam dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara.
Semangat RA. Kartini pun rasanya bukan hanya untuk kaum perempuan saja untuk masa kini, tetapi penting juga untuk semua orang terutama generasi muda Bangsa Indonesia yang saat ini mempunyai begitu banyak tantangan dan tuntutan karena adanya " Era Globalisasi" yang menuntut generasi muda kita untuk aktif dan kreatif mengembangkan diri dengan menguasai ilmu pengetahuan dan ketrampilan untuk mampu bersaing dengan sehat dan membawa diri dalam kehidupan masyarakat dunia.
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Penanaman cinta budaya dan lingkungan sejak dini perlu dilakukan untuk menumbuhkan rasa bangga dan cinta pada budaya asli sehingga kebudayaan warisan leluhur tidak akan punah ditelan zaman. Anak-anak perlu dikenalkan pada alam lingkungan disekitarnya, mengenal lingkungan disekitar tempat tinggalnya, mengenali tanaman serta manfaatnya, karena pernah saya jumpai ada seorang anak yang tidak tahu dengan padi yang sedang dijemur anak ini heran dan kemudian menanyakan pada saya nama barang yang dijemur itu, kemudian saya terangkan bahwa yang dijemur itu adalah padi dan jika sudah kering akan di bawa ke penggilingan padi untuk dibuang kulitnya untuk dijadikan beras. selanjutnya anak-anak perlu dikenalkan pada lingkungan yang lebis luas (alam) mengenal sungai, laut, sawah, hutan ataupun suatu perkebunan dan yang tak kalah penting adalah bagaimana menanamkan dalam diri anak-anak untuk mampu mencintai dan merawatnya.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Iri hati adalah sumber bencana bagi kemanusiaan, timbulnya perang saudara , perpecahan dalam keluarga ataupun kejahatan yang muncul dalam lingkungan masyarakat. Munculnya iri hati bisa disebabkan oleh karena adanya kesenjangan sosial dalam masyarakat, perbedaan nasib dan suatu kedudukan dan juga cara pandang seorang manusia akan kemapanan orang lain yang hanya dilihat pada keadaan luarnya saja tetapi tidak pernah mau mencari proses yang menjadikan seseorang itu berhasil dalam hidupnya, disamping itu juga sikap tidak mau menginstropeksi diri sendiri. Tetapi iri hati sebenarnya kalau dikelola dengan baik juga akan membawa dampak yang positif bagi diri kita sebagai contoh kita melihat orang lain sukses dan berhasil tercukupi segala kebutuhan hidupnya tentu dalam hati kita akan bertanya "Apakah saya tidak bisa seperti dia" dengan segala kemampuan yang ada dalam diri kita. Dengan memberikan satu pertanyaan ke dalam diri kita pribadi maka selanjutnya akan memunculkan satu motivasi bagi diri kita untuk berusaha menjadi seperti orang yang kita kagumi, setelah kita termotivasi tentunya kita sudah mempunyai satu tujuan yang pasti langkah selanjutnya adalah memikitkan strategi yang akan kita pakai untuk mewujudkan tujuan yang kita tetapkan tadi tentunya dalam koridor yang benar, tidak asal-asalan dan menghalakan segala cara, sehingga iri hati itu tetap menjadi iri hati yang positif.maaf ya tulisan ini belum kelar
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Setiap orang pasti akan melakukan segala hal untuk mencapai kemapanan dalam hidupnya yaitu terpenuhinya semua kebutuhan, kesenangan, harga diri dan kebanggaan diri. Padahal untuk hidup yang bisa dikatakan "kepenak" dan "ayem" dibutuhkan 5 hal yang perlu dimiliki manusia yaitu : wareg (kenyang), waras ( sehat ), wastra( pakaian/sandang), wasis (kepandaian), wisma(rumah).
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