Tuesday, November 24, 2009

From Illusion to reality

"It is easy to read about wakefulness, to have
elaborate and, as far as they go, accurate ideas
about enlightment, and yet all the while to
be fast

The call to modern man, the call to all of
us, is to
become spiritual. To become spiritual we
have to
learn to leave behind our official religious
selves - that
is, to leave behind the Pharisee that lurks
inside of all
of us- because, as Jesus has told us, we have to
leave behind our whole self. All images of
coming as they do out of the fevered brain of
the ego,
have to be renounced and transcended if we
are to
become one with ourselves, with God, with our
brethern - that is, to become truly human,
truly realy,
truly humble.

Our images of God must similarly fall away.
We must
not be idol-worshippers. Curiously, what we
find is
that they fall away as our images of self
fall away,
which suggests that I suppose we always guessed
anyway, that our images of God were really
images of

In this wonderful process of coming into the
full light of
Reality, of falling away from illusion, a
great silence
emerges from the centre. We feel ourselves
in the eternal silence of God. We are no
longer talking
to God or worse, talking to ourselves. We
are learning
to be - to be with God, to be in God".