Thursday, June 18, 2009


In each step of this life, I realize as a meditation of life. Grateful to the way of life and with full surrender to the will of God. Life is like a rotating wheel, sometimes we have happy, sad, healthy, sick
I try to accept all this as part of life, which is God's will.
I received, I realize, I am grateful and peaceful that I received
Finally, I feel how great the love of God in my life.
In reaching this awareness that I take a very long time, events that I experienced every day I meditate every night before bed.I explore, examine step by step carefully. I pray and give all the will of God. When experiencing pain, and I accept that I feel sick, I unite with the suffering of Jesus on the cross.
When I receive the blessings and happiness do not forget me say thanks to God who gives life. I forward the blessings and happiness to his wife, daughters, friends and other people. Also to animals and plants and the earth where I live I forward it to all the blessed people in the world in prayer and my meditation
Finally thinking of my life I find this a conclusion that I made as a life motto
SO IN THIS LIFE we love one another support ONE WITH THE OTHER, NOT destroy
Thank you so much
I suggest waiting, messages, suggestions, criticism and build a life for the sake of progress

Death a Part of Life

"If we would become wise, we must learn that we
have here no abiding city (Heb 13:14).

To have life in focus, we must have death in
our field
of vision. Within this vision we see life as
preparation for death and death as
preparation for

If we are to meet our own death with hope, it
be a hope built not on theory or on belief
alone, but
on experience. We must know from experience
death is an event in life, an
essential part of
any life which is lived as a perpetual
expandiing and
self-transcending mystery.

Only the experience of the continuous death
of the
ego can lead us into this hope, into an ever
deepening contact with the power of life itself.

Only our own death to self-centredness can
persuade us of death as the connecting link
in the
chain of perpetual expansion, and as the way to
fullness of life".

Friday, June 12, 2009

Meditation Part 2

"The great conviction of the New Testament is
by giving us his Spirit, Jesus has dramatically
transformed the fabric of human
consciousness. Our
redemption by Jesus Christ has opened up for us
leveles of consciousness that can be
described by
St. Paul only in terms of a totally new creation.

God became man so that man might become God, as
the early Fathers of the Church expressed it.
It is
our destiny to be divinized by becoming one
with the
Spirit of God. Divinization is utterly
beyond our
imagination and our own powers of
understanding to
comprehend. But it is not beyond our
capacity to
experience it in love.

Staggering as this revelation is and feeble
though our
capacity may be to receive it, it is worked out
through the ordinariness of our humanity and
the ordinariness of our human life.

The big problem in Christianity is to
believe it".

Christian Meditation

"In Chapter 5 of his letter to the Romans, Paul writes
about what God has accomplished in the person of
his Son, Jesus:

´Therefore, now that we have been justified through
faith, let us continue at peace with God, through our
Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have been
allowed to enter the sphere of God´s grace, where
we now stand. Let us exult in the hope of the divine
splendour that is to be ours. Because God´s love
has flooded our inmost heart through the Holy Spirit
he has given us.´ (Rm 5:1-5).

Just think about this language for a moment and
consider the quite staggering claim it is making.

St Paul was no mere theorist. He was a passionate
announcer of a real event that he was trying to
make all men realize. His great conviction is that the
Spirit of Jesus has been sent. This is the central
conviction of our Christian faith; indeed our faith is a
living faith precisely because the living Spirit of God
dwells within us, giving new life to our mortal bodies.

"Marriage and prayer are initimately related
in Paul´s
vision of the Christian life.

In both prayer and marraige the call is to
full selfhood
by loss of self in the other. The giving of
the self
must become total. Both prayer and marraige are
creative of life because of the generosity
and faith
that enable us to lay down our lives in love.

I suppose it wouldn´t be an exaggeration to
say that
one of the principal causes of the breakdown of
so many marriages is a lack of the spirit of

No word in the religious vocabulary is so much
misunderstood by our contemporaries as
´obedience´. Obedience is nothing else than the
capacity to listen to the other. We stray
from God
when we lose this attentiveness and no amount of
talking or thinking about God can truly
substitute for
this openness to him. The Latin root of
´obedience´ is ob-audire, to hear, to
We are
to be listeners.

Obedience here is in essence sensitivity, deep
sensitivity to the other, to the others. The
readiness to think, in the first place, of
the other and
not of oneself.

As you know, it is impossible for us to love one
another unless we serve one another".

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Anyandhi Karsa Luhur

Judul Anyandhi Karsa Luhur ini mempunyai arti yang sangat penting dan menyentuh bagi saya pribadi, tulisan yang saya temukan pada selembar kertas bekas bungkus makanan. Lengkapnya Urip Iku Anyandhi Karsa Luhur Borong Sumangga Kang Lirwa yang artinya adalah : Hidup itu mempunyai tujuan yang indah, silahkan menyingkir yang tidak mau menaatinya. Berawal dari tulisan ini yang menggugah "AKU" untuk merumuskan kembali tujuan dan arti hidup, serta motivasi yang akan kujalani dalam "Peziarahan Hidup" di dunia ini. Kehidupan di dunia ini memang tidak pasti, yang pasti hanyalah "KEMATIAN" karena setiap makhluk yang dilahirkan ke dunia ini pasti akan mengalami yang namanya "MATI" untuk itu kita perlu mempunyai "kesadaran" dalam hidup kita, sadar bahwa hidup kita ini ada yang mengadakan yaitu TUHAN dan segala sesuatu telah diberikan kepada kita dengan cuma-cuma, kita diberi hak untuk memakainya, merawat, mengembangkan untuk kebaikan diri kita pribadi dan untuk kesejahteraan sesama kita, tapi kita tidak berhak untuk merusak, memusnakannya karena semua itu MILIK TUHAN.